LIB 233 Renewal Room (Cook Library: 2nd Floor) Capacity: 1

The Renewal Room at Cook Library (LIB 233) is a quiet space with reduced lighting designed to facilitate meditation, prayer, or simple relaxation. A meditation cushion and yoga mat are available.
- Drop-in usage is welcome, but priority is given to reservations.
- Key is available for checkout at the circulation desk in the lobby. Southern Miss ID card is required to check out the room key.
- Single occupancy only!
- Room is located in a quiet zone. Please: no talking and no music or other sounds that might disturb others.
- Rooms may be reserved by current Southern Miss students, faculty, and staff in 15-minute increments for up to one hour at a time and up to two weeks in advance.
Accessible Seat/Space
Power Available
The Renewal Room is located in LIB 233, among the research carrels located on the 2nd floor of Cook Library. The door to the research carrel suite is LIB 211. Upon entering the research carrel suite, LIB 233 will be the first door around the corner to your left.